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Keeping our Children Safe


Operation Encompass purpose is to safeguard children and young people (CYP) who are at risk of harm from going missing by ensuring appropriate services are made aware of an incident at the earliest possible opportunity using the Operation Encompass pathway.


What does this mean

  • We will know if a child attending the school has been missing from home and may therefore not have what they need for the day

  • We will be informed of external issues that may be having an impact on the CYP

  • We will be informed of any domestic abuse incidents where police have been in attendance

  • There will be close partnership working and sharing of information

  • The school will be informed not to be evidence gatherer or ask about the incident but simply be there for the CYP and provide support.


The school will receive a police notification and take action to support the child and family based upon a school based risk assessment. This may include speaking to Children Services for advice or the family directly. Each case is assessed individually. 

We do everything we can to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of all of our children is our highest priority. In order to do this, a wide range of measures are put in place:

PSED curriculum

Staff continually promote positive behaviours and encourage children to build resilience. They plan opportunities to teach children how to manage risk and keep themselves safe.

Safer Recruitment 

All staff appointed to work in our school have a criminal records search called a DBS check and a thorough recruitment process as detailed within the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

First Aid

There are a number of staff who are Pediatric First Aid and they receive regular First Aid training. There are a number of first aid kits situated around school which are checked regularly and suitable for the age range in which they are used. Parents and carers are informed of all accidents. They sign to say they are aware. More serious incidents are also recorded on County accident forms.

Collection of Children

We have strict procedures for the collection of children. Adults who will regularly collect must be named on the personal record, within this record a password will be provided. No child will be allowed to leave school with an adult not named on the personal record or who is not expected. Any change of collecting adult must be notified in writing to the office and they must have the collection password. We will not allow any young person under the age of 16 to collect a child from the Nursery.


Parents and carers are required to inform the school of a child’s absence. Sustained lateness or absence is monitored by senior leaders. Discussions take place with parents/carers to understand challenges, offer support and identify strategies to improve attendance.

Online Safety

We have a ‘Safe Use of the Internet’ Policy. Children cannot access the internet in nursery without adult support. We encourage that parents greet children with a smile and therefore parents are not permitted to use mobile phones on site.

Child Protection 

We have designated Safeguarding Leads who take the lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety). They ensure that the detail of the Child Protection Policy is followed and safe understand their role in keeping children safe. All staff and Governors have appropriate Child protection training, which is updated at least every two years.

We do everything we can to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of all of our children is our highest priority. In order to do this, a wide range of measures are put in place:

Designated safeguarding lead

Whistle Blowing 

Our Whistleblowing policy has a detailed explanation that identifies if members of staff have any concerns about people working within the school, paid or unpaid, they have a professional duty to inform the Headteacher or Governing body accordingly.

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oxhey nursery school
eastbury rd, watford wd19 4rl
Tell: 01923 330300
proudly designed by midnight blue
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