Head of Schools Message
This week I wanted to talk to you about the importance of toilet training. We understand that toilet training is a significant milestone in your child's development, and we are here to support both you and your child through this important transition.
In the forthcoming weeks, we will be providing supportive materials aimed at helping you and your child master the skills needed for successful toilet training. These resources are designed to offer guidance, tips, and encouragement to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.
We recognise that each child is unique, and they may progress at their own pace. If you have any concerns or questions about your child's toilet training journey, please feel free to reach out to your child's key person. Our team is here to listen and assist you with any support you might need.
There is no right or wrong time to toilet train and never the perfect moment so if you wish your child to be out of nappies, we are here to help!

Clothes bank available outside of school Tuesdays and Thursdays. Donations welcome (please bring to the office) or take what you need from the rail
Learning packs available every Wednesday outside of the main office
Friday 7th February - Electric Umbrella Home - Electric Umbrella EDI and musical excellence at the heart of every session, energetic, vibrant and utterly joyous
Friday 14th February – Valentines Day – children are encouraged to wear, red, pink or anything that reflects hearts and love
Half Term Break – Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February
Nursery Room
Book & Rhyme of the week
Nursery will start their new book this week, 'Owl Babies' written by Martin Wadfell.
As part of the introduction to this text children will be visiting the local park, identify trees and hopefully bump into a few ‘owls’.
We hope to have the children swooping around as they explore the tress in the park.
The vocabulary that will support the children’s learning this week will be 'swoop,' 'truck' and 'branch.' '
Nursery will continue their immersion of sound to support with their phonics development – this week they will be using body percussion to recreate simple patterns.

Willow Room
Book & Rhyme of the week
Willow will continue with their story book, 'Dogs' by Emily Gravett.
The children will start the immersion phase of the talk for writing programme. During this time children will immerse themselves in the story by acting out scenes, role playing different parts so that they can embed the story and begin to learn vocabulary and text off by heart.
The Nursery Rhyme for the week will be 'Incy Wincy Spider'.
Children will use this rhyme during maths activities and explore putting big and little items down the drainpipe. Their vocabulary this week will be 'big,' 'little' and 'drainpipe.'
Home Learning
Each Wednesday, the packs will be found outside main reception. There is a display to show you which group’s turn it is and a signing out folder for each pack.
Please return all packs into the return’s basket so staff can check and stock up any resources.
Next Wednesday the borrowing groups are:
Busy Fingers - Hedgehog & Dormouse
Story Bags - Robin & Owl & Butterfly
Maths Pack - Woodpecker
Success Story of the Week!
What a successful week at ONS celebrating Lunar New Year!
The festivities were truly special, not only because of the vibrant decorations and joyous activities but also because of the invaluable participation from our enthusiastic community of parents.
It was heartwarming to see many of you visit us and share your cherished traditions for the holiday. Your stories and insights brought the celebrations to life for our children, enriching their understanding of this beautiful occasion.
Some of the children even attended Nursery in traditional dress, which added an authentic touch to the festivities. It has been wonderful to see all the children embrace the cultural heritage with such excitement and curiosity.
The sharing of traditional treats was another highlight, with children receiving gold coins in red envelopes as a token of good fortune for the year ahead.
We are deeply grateful for your support and involvement, which continues to nurture a strong sense of community and inclusiveness within our Nursery.